Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Investigation on the nature of the red door #2

David Cronenberg's secret son was born today in Naples

Cronenberg was so shocked looking at his own sons he actually ended up generating a red door in Acquaspazio, 
which we intend to explore right away.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mio nonno vive nell'Acquaspazio

 here's something very interesting
we have found a comic strip that came from the human dimension today

we couldn't really understand the words,
but the drawings were so pretty we thought it was worth it to show you how it looks like

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Wreck of the Semillante (part II)

...But the saddest thing about this story is this...

Three weeks before the disaster, a small corvette, similar to the Sémillante, on its way to the Crimea was also wrecked in the same way, almost at the same place.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Legend of La Poma

 Sometimes people have wondered: is there ice-cream  in Acquaspazio?

Yes there is.

Somewhere, waiting on the edge of an orchid-planet, sits the mysterious La Poma.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Physics of Acquaspazio #1


By Desiderius Papp Jr.

From the first time I was thrown in Acquaspazio, I immediately started to look the reality around and trying to understand the surrounding through my physics notion background. Since that moment, I started to observe macroscopic bodies and tried to understand the laws that rules their acts of motion. First of all I noticed that the motion in the Acquaspazio seems to be like the movement of a jellyfish in a viscous liquid, but it seems that the friction produced isn't attributable to any physical interaction known. In fact we discovered that the movement in Acquaspazio is produced by a Non-Standard Gravity which links bodies depending on their "mutual empathy". We call such Non-Standard Gravity as "Selective Gravity" because the close dependence on a sort of "Einfühlung". Therefore we define the act of motion in Acquaspazio as "Enjellyfish"  (from the syneresis between "enjoy" and "jellyfish"). 

click to read the whole article

Monday, August 26, 2013

Red Door #1

Recent studies on the Red Doors have demonstrated that one of the many principles in their nature might be a reminiscence of the Sense of Void that humans sometimes feel in their dimension. 

We have found a red door that we believe was generated by the sense of void that a professional chess player felt before making a decisive move during a very important tournament.

He wanted to move his rook on H5, but, due to a very strange sense of existential emptiness that took over him all of a sudden, he ended up placing it on H4 and lost the game.

In that very moment a new Red Door was born in Acquaspazio.

We have decided to enter this door to explore its content.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The incredible Bio-Tripod

In order to shoot movies in ACQUASPAZIO everybody needs a Bio-Tripod

What is a Bio-Tripod?

It's a three-legged parasitoid frame. Like most of the parasitoid, it consumes the host.
The only living creature that can host a Bio-Tripod is a cameraman.
The cameraman (which is always a dweller of the human dimension) becomes one with the Bio-Tripod (which is always an ACQUASPAZIO creature) and as a result the cameraman is able to shoot the most unique movies, generating camera movements directly from his nervous system. The Bio-Tripod, however, will slowly digest the body of the cameraman as the footage gets consumed. In fact, the footage itself is created by the cameraman's cells. The only kind of film that can be used in ACQUASPAZIO is called Bio-Cellulose, and it's the equivalent of a full human body. Once the film is over, so it's the life of the cameraman. The Bio-Tripod will not die. After the movie is completed the Bio-Tripod will happily move to another host.

The Bio-Tripod is generally a very happy parasite.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

L'Histoire de René Pottier

It was in 1905 that, for the first time, mountain climbing was included in a professional bicycle race. It was the Tour de France, and the mountain was the beautiful Ballon d'Alsace.

In the lead, happy like a Greek god, was René Pottier. He was first, and everybody knew he was going to win, because once the mountain was tamed nothing else could have stopped him.

He would certainly have won, if at the last moment he hadn't fallen into Acquaspazio.

You see my friends, on that mountain there's a pass called Col du Ballon d'Alsace where dimensional residues of Acquaspazio have been accumulating for centuries. The activity of these unknown forces is very arbitrary, and fundamentally random.

That year, the ugly Hippolyte Aucouturier was to win the Tour de France instead.

No one ever heard of René again, but, since 1905, he travels through Acquaspazio on his bicycle, and has visited almost all of it.

Oh! And if you do encounter René and his bike, he will still ask you: "Sorry, do you know the way for Paris?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pinhole Photography in Acquaspazio

                                (how to properly expose and not hallucinate on the results)

Since Acquaspazio doesn't have any fixed molecular rule, any exposure taken in this dimension will result in what we call an "Ichthyophotograph". This type of photo is taken by a pinhole-frog and developed on the invisible skin of the puzzle-fish, which circulatory system is made of photo chemicals. The creation of an Ichthyophotograph is a random phenomena, as it happens only when a shoal of puzzle-fish is passing in front of a pinhole-frog. Once the shoal of puzzle-fish is exposed, it retains whatever picture was impressed on it for ever. Watching an exposed shoal of puzzle-fish is an extraordinary experience, because the picture morphs continuously along with the shape of the swimming-floating shoal.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Shando! (the movie)


There have been movies, over the last century that changed our idea of cinema forever. Shando! is, I would say, a century of its own. This movie, watchable only within the realm of Acquaspazio, is the most remarkable depiction of the human condition: the epilepsy of the soul. It is directed with Babylonian precision, and perfectly crafted  around themes that are both universal and ordinary, sandy and smooth, pagan and bittersweet; the cast, selected with manic attention for the shape of the noses, is a good reason to invent an Oscar for "multiple best actors", since there are no roles in this production, and therefore no mistakes. It is a magnificent and lucid journey inside all of the things that, before this movie was made, we always considered utterly useless. Shando!, in a nutshell, is an unmistakable coconut with divine proportions.

" Saviah Mustlernack without a role is divine! " ****
- The Acquaspazio Times-

" I couldn't finish my popcorn because my tears made it too salty. Bravo! " *****
- Clint Eastwood -

" Shando! is better than any movie ever made with an exclamation point in the title! " ****
-The Acquaspazio Post -

" It's the most important movie we've seen since cinema was invented, because it's the only important movie " *****
- AcquaVogue -